Sunday, December 1, 2013

Challenge #3 at DDCC

Hello everyone!
It's Roberta here, standing in for our jet-setting leader Lisa.
While she is enjoying a fabulous and much deserved holiday adventure, I'll be posting the details of our 3rd challenge.

Before I get to that though, I'd like to thank our one participant in November challenge.  Mrs. A you are a fantastic crafter and we all really hope that your new light box is a huge help to you!  
For anyone looking for a great new light box, please check out Mrs. A's project...she did a bang up job!!

If you didn't get a chance to participate, no worries... all of the past challenges will be re-opened.  Each time you complete one of the previous challenges, you'll receive a special badge to show your accomplishment.

You can find the Linky tools for the re-opened Challenges here.


This month we are so pleased to have as our sponsor

Through The Craft Room Magazine is offering a one year subscription to the next Shining Star Winner of DreamTime Designs Craft challenge. TTCRD is an online paper craft magazine which can be downloaded to your personal computer and is filled with tutorials, inspirations and articles for the subscribers to read.  Your subscription also allows you access to past issues including over 80 free digital images to create cards, scrapbook and projects with.

Would you love to be publish and have a chance to win a $25.00 gift certificate to the store of your choice? You can do this by submitting a paper craft creation to the magazine - details for submissions is located on the web site which you can join for free.

In addition to our Shining Star Winner, our Top 5 will be carefully selected in order of 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc, by our DDCC DT ladies.  A Top 5 badge will be awarded in recognition to the winning places. 

We reward ALL those who participate & complete our challenges with a DDCC Conquered badge.  All you need to do is enter the challenge :)

At Dreamtime Designs Craft Challenge everyone wins something.
We believe YOU deserve the recognition of all the hard work you put into your project :)

Now....on to the new challenge!  Yay!!!

Lisa came up with a fabulous theme for you to play with during December!!

My Techniques - Christmas:
A Technique I've Never Tried Before

This challenge revolves around the theme of Christmas & expanding your skills with a brand new technique you have never tried before but yet always wanted to.
A couple of things that we would like to see included in your post are:
1) Why did you want to try this technique?
2) What has been your experience with it?
>>Please note that the questions are an important part of the challenge.  They need to be included along with your answers in your blog post.<<

Here are the DDCC Design Team & their projects :)
You will notice that there is only a sneak peek so you will need to click on the image which will take you to their blog to see their completed project.  Don't forget to leave a comment on their challenge post as they have worked extremely hard on their projects & they would love to know what you think on their take of the challenge.
**I've only had access to the sneak peeks too so I'm ready to see all of the completed projects!!**

(That's me!!)

Joanne's project didn't go quite the way she had hoped.
She is a hugely talented lady so this is proof that even the best among us can have a rough time at a new technique.
Please go take a look at her post....
the amount of work she put into this was amazing.
All of the DT sisters are just so disappointed for her!
But we know a determined woman like Joanne
will be back at it as soon as she can!!!
Can't wait to see the next go 'round.

Some pretty intriguing peeks, right?
Go take a complete look at all of the projects and then get to work on yours!  We can't wait to see what you all come up with for this super fun challenge!!


Challenge Guidelines:

Who can enter: Anyone

Specifications: You must have a blog

Number of entries:  Only one entry per person is allowed

Deadline: 31st December (Australian Timezone)

(To see the complete rules & guidelines click here)



Want to chat about the challenge, share ideas & make some friends? 

Come & join in on the conversations in our new Facebook group. 
You can join here.


Are you up to the Dreamtime Designs Craft Challenge?
Enter your challenge project below with our wonderful Mr Linky :)
(If in the event that Mr Linky isn't working please submit your entry blog link to the comments section below.)

Thanks so much for stopping by today.
All of us on the Design Team hope to see many new projects this month.
And we all can't wait to hear of Lisa' grand adventure!
Wonder what kind of wonderful things she's going to able to share!?!

Hugs all around,
DDCC Dreamette


Anonymous said...

Fantastic technique inspiration by the DT and such beautiful creations.
Lisa x

Sam K said...

Thanks Lisa :) and thanks for entering our challenge :)
Great post Roberta, Lisa will be super pleased. Fab projects by all the DT you have all inspired me to try even more new techniques hehe and wow what a prize, I wish we could enter lol xxx

Lena said...

Wow, you DT ladies have amazing projects. Since this was my fist time playing with Hobby Dots, I've entered my card in your wonderful challenge. What wonderful prizes too!!! Keeping my fingers crossed :-)
Lena’s Creations

Jaya Raghuvanshi said...

Thank you for the wonderful challenge! I made my entry and hope the talented DT likes it!

Lorena M said...

Lovelyy blog you have